Activity: FAC Training
Date: 9 January 2025
Time: 1500h – 1800h
Venue: Parade Square

Reporting Attire:
57’24: PTK with Green Corps Tee (GCT)
56’23: PTK with Green Corps Tee (GCT)
55’22: PTK with Green Corps Tee (GCT)

1. All personnel are to bring along their Corps Bottle.
2. All personnel are to fall in at 1500h.
3. All personnel from 56’23 and 57’24 are reminded to bring along their FAC notebook, a black watch and writing materials for their FAC Component Training.

Additional Comments:
1. All personnel are expected to report punctually.
2. Personnel unable to attend the above-mentioned activity must inform their respective commanders as early as they first know of the reason.
3. Medical Certificates and any other proof of reason for absence must be submitted to their respective commanders as soon as possible.
4. Any personnel who will be coming late or leaving early for official activities must inform their respective commanders as soon as they know of the reason.
5. All personnel are reminded to have sufficient rest and have their appropriate meals before the above-mentioned activity.

SGT Zhang Jingxin
Nan Hua Corps

Nan Hua St John

Written by Nan Hua St John

Administrative Account for Nan Hua St John. This account is managed by the Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs).